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It’s Fun Having a 300,000 yen a Month Job Welcoming Home an Onee-san Who Doesn’t Find Meaning in a Job That Pays Her 500,000 yen a Month Average 4.5 / 5 out of 55
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I’m Being Paid ¥ 300,000 a Month to Say ‘Okaeri, Kyo MO Ganbatta NE’ to a Hardworking Neighbor Oneesan Who Earns ¥500,000 a Month but Doesn’t Have a Use for the Money, Which Is Really Fun ; It's My Work That I Say to Her, "Okaeri" ; Tsuki 50 Man Moratte mo Ikigai no Nai Tonari no Onēsan ni 30 Man de Yatowa Rete `Okaeri. Kyō mo Ganbatta ne’ tte Iu Oshigoto ga Totemo Tanoshī ; Tsuki 50-man moratte mo Ikigai no nai Tonari no Onee-san ni 30-man de Yatowarete "Okaeri" tte Iu Oshigoto ga Tanoshii ; 月50万もらっても生き甲斐のない隣のお姉さんに30万で雇われて「おかえり」って言うお仕事が楽しい ; 每月领着50万月薪也觉得没有意义的邻居OL,用30万雇佣了我让我每天和她说“欢迎回来
Author: Kiwadoi Shouri