Yugo Kurei is a high school student that loves tokusatsu hero shows. One day, he loses his life protecting a child from a street slasher, but he is reincarnated in another world as Yugo Clay, a character from a certain game. However, Yugo is the most disliked person in the school and is destined to die tragically… He was reincarnated as a villain, but with the new power of magic in his hands, he aims to become a hero!”In this world, I can become the strongest hero!” A hero story of a tokusatsu otaku who rises from the bottom while crushing his doom flags!
- Chapter 12 01/10/2025
- Chapter 11 - Good Morning, Crab Noble! 10/06/2024
- Chapter 10 - The Heroine that's not Controlled 10/06/2024
- Chapter 9 - Gekigeki! My exciting fighting style!! 06/23/2024
- Chapter 8 - The Second Duel is Against a Hypocrite 05/05/2024
- Chapter 7.5 - Extra: Character Design Collection 05/05/2024
- Chapter 7 - The Beginning of the Next Turmoil! 03/03/2024
- Chapter 6 01/28/2024
- Chapter 5 01/01/2024
- Chapter 4 12/10/2023
- Chapter 3 - Nii-San Is A Hero!! 11/26/2023
- Chapter 2.2 - Duel (Part 2) 11/19/2023
- Chapter 2.1 - Duel (Part 1) 11/19/2023
- Chapter 2 01/28/2024
- Chapter 1 - Crossing Worlds, I Have Arrived! 11/19/2023