A 4-koma series illustrating the daily lives of the Nijigasaki High School Idol Club’s members. Nine ordinary, yet unique high school girls compete against each other for the title of the “No.1 school idol”, but what situations will they find themselves in!? Follow them as they deepen their bonds with each other in this short but cute official 4-koma from the Love Live! series, illustrated by Miyakohito.
- Chapter 48 - The Third Years & Shizuku 11/10/2020
- Chapter 47 - The Third Years & Rina 11/10/2020
- Chapter 46 - Emma & A letter from Switzerland, 2 11/04/2020
- Chapter 45 - Emma & A letter from Switzerland, 1 11/04/2020
- Chapter 44 - Emma & A letter to Switzerland, 2 10/28/2020
- Chapter 43 - Emma & A letter to Switzerland, 1 10/28/2020
- Chapter 42 - Shizuku, Ayumu & Acting, 4 10/28/2020
- Chapter 41 - Shizuku, Ayumu & Acting, 3 10/28/2020
- Chapter 40 - Shizuku, Ayumu & Acting, 2 10/14/2020
- Chapter 39 - Shizuku, Ayumu & Acting, 1 10/14/2020
- Chapter 38 - Karin & Her Image, 4 10/14/2020
- Chapter 37 - Karin & Her Image, 3 10/14/2020
- Chapter 36 - Karin & Her Image, 2 10/08/2020
- Chapter 35 - Karin & Her Image, 1 10/14/2020
- Chapter 34 - Kanata, Rina & Confections, 2 10/14/2020
- Chapter 33 - Kanata, Rina & Confections, 1 10/08/2020
- Chapter 32 - Kasumi, Ayumu & Caution, 2 10/08/2020
- Chapter 31 - Kasumi, Ayumu & Caution, 1 10/07/2020
- Chapter 30 - Ai & Swimsuits, 6 10/14/2020
- Chapter 29 - Ai & Swimsuits, 5 10/08/2020
- Chapter 28 - Ai & Swimsuits, 4 10/08/2020
- Chapter 27 - Ai & Swimsuits, 3 10/08/2020
- Chapter 26 - Ai & Swimsuits, 2 10/08/2020
- Chapter 25 - Ai & Swimsuits, 1 10/08/2020
- Chapter 24 - A picnic with QU4RTZ, 2 10/08/2020
- Chapter 23 - A picnic with QU4RTZ, 1 10/08/2020
- Chapter 22 - The Amusement Park with A·ZU·NA, 2 10/08/2020
- Chapter 21 - The Amusement Park with A·ZU·NA, 1 10/08/2020
- Chapter 20 - The Planetarium with DiverDiva, 2 10/08/2020
- Chapter 19 - The Planetarium with DiverDiva, 1 10/08/2020
- Chapter 18 - Respect, 4 10/08/2020
- Chapter 17 - Respect, 3 10/08/2020
- Chapter 16 - Respect, 2 10/08/2020
- Chapter 15 - Respect, 1 10/08/2020
- Chapter 14 - Nana and Setsuna, 2 10/08/2020
- Chapter 13 - Nana and Setsuna, 1 10/08/2020
- Chapter 12 - Introduction Video, 12 10/08/2020
- Chapter 11 - Introduction Video, 11 10/08/2020
- Chapter 10 - Introduction Video, 10 10/08/2020
- Chapter 9 - Introduction Video, 9 10/08/2020
- Chapter 8 - Introduction Video, 8 10/08/2020
- Chapter 7 - Introduction Video, 7 10/08/2020
- Chapter 6 - Introduction Video, 6 10/08/2020
- Chapter 5 - Introduction Video, 5 10/08/2020
- Chapter 4 - Introduction Video, 4 10/08/2020
- Chapter 3 - Introduction Video, 3 10/08/2020
- Chapter 2 - Introduction Video, 2 10/08/2020
- Chapter 1 - Introduction Video, 1 10/08/2020